Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brought Me To You

What is the last thing you ate?
A pear.

Last person you talked on the phone to?

Are you in a good mood?
Just fine.

Do you overuse smileys?

When do you wake up?
In the morning.

Do you trust people that you shouldnt?
Yeah, I think so.

Who has the prettiest eyes that you know?
Pokok (: Haha.

Do you take any daily vitamins?
Nope, I don't.

What is/was your favorite subject in school?
So far, accounts.

Are you currently in a relationship?
No, I am not.

What is something you cannot stand?

Do you like science?
Not really.

When is your birthday?
January 30th.

Do you usually remember your dreams?

Are you good at bowling?
Oh no.

Can you cook?

Any movies you wanna see?
Revolutionary Road and The Reader. Oh and Titanic AGAIN (:

Do you know how to play piano?
I do.

Last thing you bought?
Food from McDonalds.

Who's someone you'd like to just hug close right now?
Azie! <3

Anyone you really wanna punch in the face?

Do you still watch Spongebob?
Sometimes and I hate it.

Are you in love?
Not yet.

What's a song that makes you cry?
You're Not Sorry.

A pear.

Im still up and not sleeping yet. I can't sleep, Im not sleepy. That's why Im here, in front of the laptop. Im now chatting with some of my friends on msn. I so have nothing better to do. I have this question on mind since just now, "Have you felt like you are being used?". Well, honestly, I am now. I mean like, don't use me. Find someone else. OH NO, I haven't take my meds yet. I've been skipping my makan-ubat-time since yesterday. I can't imagine what would happen if madre finds out. Oh no *biting nails*. So yeaaah. Wait, I'll be back soon. Im craving for a pear. Yumm.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bueno Dias

Wednesday, yes it is. Another day off. I slept late last night. And yeah, I woke up at 12noon today. Thanks to mom, you called and I woke up. Woke up from the nightmare I had last night. I had a rough sleep last night. I felt like something isn't right. That's why I can't sleep. I wanted to call someone, at least to find someone to talk to but it's already too late and everyone has school today, except for me. So, yeah I forced myself to bed. And today, all I did is just sitting in front of the tv. There's this movie called Hush Little Baby on tv just now. It was a great scary movie. And the baby was very very pretty. Go and check your Astro Guide whether they still have it on or not. Like really, you should watch. It was nice. And when Im done with that movie, I went to the kitchen to take my meds. They're suck. Yucckk, but I had no choice and just eat them. So yeaah, my mum got home. The first thing she asked was, "Biah, dah makan ubat ke belum?" and thank God, I just had it like couple of minutes before she got home pasal if not, She's gonna like bising around. There's nothing nice on tv at the moment. That's why Im stuck here, in front of the laptop. Killing my boredom. Ghhessssh.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello Doctor

I went to see the doctor today. She said Im overstressed. That's why Im sick. She even knew that I don't eat well because of all the problems Im having. I was actually crying when she asked me, why am i overstressed. Well, obviously I know why. She doesn't kan. I know I think a lot lately. But I just can't stop it. Doctor said I need sauna, to cure this internal apa entah. I wasn't actually listening to her. My mind flew to a place where I could think about *. Its painful, like really and very. I got my antibiotic and some other ubat. 'Thanks' to mum, it was all her idea to go and see the doctor. My antibiotic contains ubat tidur so that I can sleep well everynight and stop thinking of *you know what*. Im not crazy, don't worry.

Journey of Life

You'​​re think​ing about​ someo​ne,​​ aren'​​t you?
Yeah, I am.

What does your hair look like?
Curly and big.

How many peopl​e do you trust​?​​
I don't know. Not that a lot.

Why did your last relat​ionsh​ip end?
Because of some reasons.

Are you happy​ with your life?
Just fine with it.

If you could​ go back in time,​​ would​ you?
I would love to.

How far back would​ you go?
Not 2009.

Ever dated​ anyon​e on your top frien​ds?

Anyth​ing bothe​ring you?

If you could​ have anyth​ing,​​ what would​ it be?
Time machine.

What'​​s your favor​ite place​ you'​​ve been to?
The States.

Do you go to schoo​l?
Yeah but not today.

Last time you cried​
At 5 in the morning.

Is green​ your favor​ite color​?
Yeah, baby green.

Do you text or call more?
Text and call.

Do you have a frien​d that you' ve known​ since​ you were littl​e?​​
Yeaah, I have.

How long have you had your MySpa​ce ?
Since I was form 1.

Last perso​n to come over to your house​
Grandparents, aunty and uncle.

Favor​ite thing​ to shop for

Is being​ singl​e fun?
At times.

Are you datin​g the very last perso​n you kisse​d?
Im not dating anyone.

Do you wear your seat belt in the car?
Yeaah, sometimes.

Will you talk to someo​ne on the phone​ tonig​ht?
I don't know.

Can you hones​tly say looks​ don'​​t matte​r?
Oh yes, I can.

Was today​ a good day?
Noo, hell no.

Do you get mad easil​y?

Where​ do you see yours​elf in 2 years​?​​
Somewhere in this world, InsyaAllah.

Plans​ for tomor​row?

Last awkwa​rd momen​t

What'​​s your relat​ionsh​ip with the first​ perso​n on your top?
Bestbest friend ever :(

If your last ex said they hate you, you say
: it's okay. Say whatever you want.

How did your day go yeste​rday?
Not so good, blame the fever and the .....

Who was the last perso​n you saw that wasn'​​ t famil​y?​
Alesha, Zalikha, Emma, Fatin, Azam and our chemistry teacher.

Anyth​ing you want to tell someo​ne?
Yeaaah, "I miss you" :(

What were you doing​ last night​ at midni​ght?
Sleeping and then woke up answered a phone call.

Anyth​ing you' re givin​g up on?
Yeah, *.

Who do you tell almos​t every​ thing​?​
Azie, Ziha, Hanna, Cousins.

Do you think​ you'​​ve made a diffe​rence​ in anyon​e'​​s life?​​
I so have no idea.

Not Just Words

It was not so long ago
when I thought I'd
never meet someone like you.
Wrong was I, thinking I'm in control
Believing I'd never fall.

All my life I thought no one would
melt a heart like mine, a heart so cold,
a heart hardened by the past,
protected by shields so vast.

Slowly I was falling
without even knowing.
Only to find out too late
I have no choice but to accept my fate.
I could dream, I suppose
forever, I could hopethere will never be any 'us', that's our destiny
so I wake up to reality.

I lied when I said
I didn't love you,
that my feelings for you
are through.

I lied
not because I wanted to
but because I love you
and I still do.

Fever again and again.

I took another day off. I blame fever. Im sick again. Oh myy, just hate it being sick. It has been 3 days, I blame the *. Knowing about it is such a bad idea. But I can't change anything. Its already too late. Im wordless cause Im soo speechless. Nevermind then.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally Fifteen

Nishaa sayang, You're already fifteen. Happy Birthday, cousin. May all your wishes come true. And may God always bless you. I know we've planned so many things to do on your birthday, but sadly, we can't go and celebrate your birthday. That's alright, there's always another day. I love you, cousin. You're the best. Xoxo!

Wonderful Winslet

A big congrats to Kate Winslet for winning the Best Actress for the movie The Reader at the Academy Award. A five-time loser at the Oscars previously, Winslet triumphed for her role as a former concentration camp guard in an affair with a teenager.

Almost perfect NOT.

I didn't know there are two versions of the song Sempurna until they showed it on tv. I was trying sooooooooo hard to avoid you, but stuff like this came up and haunt me. Gheeesh. :

Sempurna by Gita Gutawa

Sempurna by Andra & The Backbone

B-day | Bad Day

An upset day. Very. It has been 2 days Im like this. Ohhhh God! Whyyy? Tell me. Songs haunt me. Shoooh, go awaaaaay.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A Year Before 2009.

2008. A wonderful year I should call. There were so many ups and downs. And hey, I still enjoyed my life throughout the year. My birthday cake. I didn't have a party because Raudhah was in Japan. But thanks to cousins for surprising me with a small gathering.

So called at my kampung, Perth. Haha. This was in March I think.

With Anep, at Bi In's surprise birthday gathering.

Everyone ate the other cupcakes. Y used to be something in my life. Now its just a Y.

A bear. I miss the bear a lot. I hope that you'll take care of that bear.

PCD was hot at the Mtv Asia Award (: Thanks Aunty Jiena for the tickets.

Several weeks before my PMR trials. Went to PD, I had fun (:

At Azie's. Had a study/slumber party. P/s I miss you Azie. Come back home.

At my place. Another study/slumber party. (:

PMR was in here (:

Once PMR over (:

At Pavillion for the exam-over-outing.

With my Barbie Ziha. (:

My open house. I love you, Mummy.

Sunway Lagoon. I miss this a lot.

Call me Nurse. Hamzah's the doctor. Haha.

Shisha with the cousins. Location: Lecka lecka.

That Terry Fox run. Too bad Azie's can't come. Thanks to Yazeen, we get to go home safely. Haha.

Again, at kampung Perth. Haha. October trip.

Kak Nad's wedding. The theme was red. I so love the colour (:
The year ended with a boring New Year Celebration. Its 2009 now.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Don't go.

Before I off to bed, thought of doing this one short survey.

SO FAR IN 2009,
Have you had a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Have you had your birthday?
Yeah, on the January 31st.

Been to church?
I'm a Muslim. I don't go to the church.

Cried yet?
Yeaah, so many times.

Had someone close to you pass away?
Alhamdulillah no.

Pulled an all nighter?

Drank starbucks?

Gone shopping?

Gone to the movies?

Been to the beach?
Not yet.

Bought something for over 100 dollars?
Like yeah.

Met someone new?
I did.

Been out of your home state?

Gone snowboarding/sking? In The Past Month...

Kissed someone?
On the cheeks, yes.

Slept in a friend's bed?
Yeah, Azie's litereally.

Snuck someone over?

Snuck out of your own house?

Been in a bar?
Not yet.

I think I did.

Gotten a car?

Gone over your cell phone minutes?

Been called a whore?

Drove somewhere?

Done something you regret?
Yeaaaaah :(

Gotten caught...?

Lasts... thing you bought?

Person to call you?

Last time you took a bubble bath?
Last month.

When was the last time you felt stupid?

When was the last time you walked/ran over a mile?
No idea.

Who was the last person who saw you cry?
My friends.

Who was the last person who made you cry?

Who was the last person you watched a movie with?

Who was the last person you danced with?
Can't recall.

Who did u last yell at?

Who last told you they loved you?
Hanna sayang.


I have this song that Im currently into; You're Not Sorry by Taylor Swift

I don't belong.

Not a good one. Went to school today with a moody mood. I mean like, with what I saw yesterday and the tears I had semalam. Really, it affects me so badly. Thank God I have my Ziha, Hanna, Jay, Zalikha, Hamzah, Azam and soo many other friends who actually helped me out. I smiled. But deep down inside, I know, it was all fake. But who cares. At least I smiled kan. So yeah. I got home around 3. I slept and woke up around 6.30pm. Watched tv and mandi. Went out for dinner. And Im now online. So yeaaah. I have nothing else to say.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bad Day.

Just a survey.

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
What I saw just now. :(

Honestly, what are you doing right now?t
Talking to Hanna sayang.

Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Nope, don't think so.

Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?
I do, when HSM is on.

Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
Naah. I am not.

Honestly, does someone is jealous on you?

Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
My girls and cousins.

Honestly, do you bite your nails?
I don't.

Honestly, what is your mood right now?
Super sad. :'(

Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?
Azie and * :(

Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
Obviously I do.

Honestly, do you hate someone right now?

Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now?
Loved ones.

Honestly, is it easier to talk on Myspace than in person?

Honestly, does anyone like you?
How should I know.

Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly?

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Tak tau.

Are you crushing on someone?
Myself? :P

Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
I don't know. I think I had. Im sorry.

Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?
Nope. It was all from my heart.

Have you ever had your heart broken?
Ahaa, having it now.

Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I guess so.

Talk to any of your exes?

If u could go back in time and change things, would you?
Yeaah, I'd love to do so. :(

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
I do. Nobody's perfect.

Do you want to get married?
Sure, in future.

How many times have you really truly been in love?
Twice I think.

Would you spend the rest of your life with your current partner?
I don't have one.


It's 11.34 at night, Tuesday. Im still up. I had a very bad day today. I can't believe one small little tiny thing I saw just not would affect my life so badly. Im crying. Like, so? Who cares? I hate today. Everyone has changed, Im scared. Im speechless. :'(

One of The Past

As I was clearing up my inbox in my phone, I found this one text that used to caught my heart and will always do. This text was received at 04:54:28 on the 3rd of January 2009.

"Baby, Sayang, Sweetheart, Honey, Lovepie, and more. Those are the names that I called you. Eventhough They've different spellings, it doesn't mean that the way I love you and the way I want you is diferrent. I love you like I always love you and I want you like I always want you"


Tuesday, a day after Monday. Just done with school. Had a tiring day. I was in a red mood in the morning. But as time passed, I became hyper. I laughed all day long. It is a good thing, isn't it? Well, my sickness is back. It's so obvious now. I am sick because of you again. You left, and Im sick. Im not that surprised because I was like this before this. I miss you being my friend. Like honestly. I've told you to take it slowly, I mean very slowly but you went VOOOOM, too fast. And yeah, you should have not call me pathetic. You know Im sensitive kan, so mind your words. Things like this made things so awkward and weird between us. You can see the consequences now. You left-Im sick. Why is it so hard.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Aquarius Baby.

I found this on Yahoo!

Daily Flirt:
If you're seeing someone, you are totally ready to take it to another level -- even if you didn't think you were. If you're single, your latest crush may take on a new weight inside your mind.

Daily Couples:
Plan an intimate evening with your partner to celebrate your relationship. Start by sharing your deepest feelings, and then let your passion for each other tell you what to do next.

Daily Singles:
You're nursing a mad, raving crush on someone -- except they don't know it because they're a celebrity! So whether it's Brad Pitt, Salma Hayek or Adam Sandler, host a movie night with your favorite actor. And don't hesitate to invite others over to salivate with you.

Simply plain.

It's 3.31 in the evening. Today's Sunday and I'm home. Just done with half of my homework. I have so many other things to do after this. That's the main reason why I said no to those people who just asked me out. I'm sorry for saying no. It's not like I want to. It's just that I have to. Currently listening to Ride For You by Danity Kane. It's an old song *not that old, but its a nice song. I'm taking a short break while waiting for my 'green mood' to come back. Talking about green mood, I had a very rajin day today. I woke up at 10 in the morning *that's quite early for Sunday. And yeaah, went down and helped mom. Right after that, I climbed up the stairs and got into my room. WOW, its a messed. And yeaah, I cleaned up my room. Its all tidy now. I got back to books after that. So yeah, its very boring.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Basically boring.

School was hot and boring. Basically I did nothing at school. Got home late, cause of Olah. Took a short nap, and received texts from Ziha. We went to Ampang Point at 4pm. Bought all the stuff that we need to get. And yeah, Afiq and Oda came over to pick us up. We went to Great Eastern Mall after that to get tarts from Delifrance. I had two fruit tarts. It was super nice. Afiq sent us back. Thanks. And hello sickness. You're back.


Hey hey, its Valentine's day. I would like to wish myself and people out there
Happy Valentine's Day!
Love you always.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Two left.

Hello there. It has been like ages I didn't keep my blog updated. So yeaah. So many things happened while I was away. Azie moved to Langkawi. It's the hardest to thing to accept. We've been friends for like years and now she had to leave. We went through so many ups and downs together. And now, it's just gonna be Me and Ziha. To see her leaving was very undescribable. My heart was breaking into pieces. She didn't cry at first but once she saw me crying, I saw tears falling from her eyes. And Ziha started crying after that. And even Azie's mum cried watching the drama.

To you, my love. You're the best that I've ever had. I love you! xoxo,