Thursday, April 30, 2009

Before the day ends.

It's already late now. I think I should go to bed. And before that, I have to go downstairs to take my antibiotic. It's not fun at all when the doctor gave you 2 months of antibioctics. Sigh. Oh yeah, Azie just texted. Ps Azie; Babe, I miss you. Come back home fast. I need you and Ziha at the moment.

Good night then.
Sweet dreams.
I wanna have thaaaat dream please.

Bad idea.

Just done reading it. Im totally touched.
I found it really sad now.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Yes, they have nicknames now.

Wonderful ones.
Starshine; You're like a star, you shine all the time (:
MediPedi; You have big nails and you like borrowing my pens. You have beautiful eyes too.
Double D; I adore you so much. You're different from others.
Lavender; You're the closest now. You knew me quite well. You're so nice.
Waterlilies; You're a great listener. Talking to you makes me feel better all the time.

* I have more but Im just out of nicknames. I'll update soon with the names. Haha.

Beautiful meaning.

We think about it a lot. We even have songs about it. We also dream about it, and lose sleep worrying about it. When we don't have it, we search for it. We look for it. Once we discover it, we just can't live without it. We fear losing it once we got it. It is a constant pleasure and pain but we just can't predict from one minute to another, which could be today or tomorrow.

We love our parents. We love our brothers and sisters. And not to forget, our boyfriends and girlfriends. Our cats and dogs as well. L-O-V-E, a short word. Very easy to spell but very hard to define.

*Random thoughts about it.

Whenever I Fall

I really wanna go to the beach and sit under the beautiful stars now. I need to clear up these messes in my head right now. What I meant by messes are the exams and the 'which ones' problem. I don't wanna be here at time being. I wanna go out of Malaysia and stay there for couple of days or weeks. "Dad, let's go to Paris please dad." At least we get to go out from here and have a wonderful family vacation there. Please dad. - Says her.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bell rang.

Are You Single?
Oh Yessssss (:

If not, who is your bf/gf?
Currently nobody.

How Long Have You Been Together?
*Tak perlu jawab.

If You're Single, Do you Like It?
I love it.

Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?
Haha. Aziha knows.

Ever Kiss in the Rain?

In a Movie Theater?
Tidak pernah.

Belum lagi.

First Love
That person.

Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?

Been Cheated on?
Guys, you know kaan...

Used Someone?
No way.

Been used?

Lied to your bf/gf?
White lies, tapi that was last time la.

Ever Made out With Just a Friend?
Euw, no. Im not desperate like

Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?

Do you Flirt a Lot?
Not really.

Longest Relationship
7 months.

2 weeks.

Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?

Ever Get Flowers?

Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten
White roses.

Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?

Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?
I do, at times.

Do you Believe in
in what?

Do you Fall in Love Fast?
It takes time.

Are you a Player?
Im not but that person is *Small laugh*

Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?

Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?
Tak kot.

Kissed 2 People At One Time?
Haha. Takkk.

Had Sex with 2 People in One day?
Ya Allah, dunia dah nak kiamat la.

Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?

Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?
Yeah, everyone does kan.

Ever Been Dumped?

Ever dumped someone?
I had.

Do you have a lot of ex's?
A lot? No la.

Are you a slut?
I am not.

Ever been called one?
Never, Insya Allah.

Ever dated someone more than once?

Do you ever make the first move?

Double dates or single?
Triple dates were funner (:

Do you want to get married?
Sometime in future.

Naughty You.

Reasons why we don't have to think about it ;
1) Kita tak perlu lah menambah dosa yang sudah ada.
2) Dah la perasan sendiri ingat I talked about "he" mana entah. Padahal I got it randomly on internet.
3) We have a better life now with better friends and people around us.
4) Tak mati pun if they kutuk kutuk us.
5) Baik fikir pasal *you know who* daripada fikir fikir pasal *I wished I don't know them*
6) Hell akan dipenuhi dengan orang orang yang banyak kutuk orang, and yeah, I don't wanna be there.
7) Exams coming, so, baik fikir pasal exam.
8) My mother taught me not to jaga tepi kain orang.
9) Saya tidak mengamalkan konsep konsep revenge dan mengotorkan nama diri sendiri. Jadi faham faham la yeah.
10) *So live your life, eeh oohhh ehhh ohhh.

Ps: Ziha, ini lah antara faktor faktor dan sebab sebab kita tidak perlu meng-stress kan diri.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I call it Love

A random story with a random photo (:

Something random I think*

I first saw you at school. Nobody, that's who you are. But I knew, deep down inside, you are somebody. Time passed by. I bump onto you couple of times outside of the school. Hii and bye, the only words that ever came out from our mouth. A friend of my cousins, yes, I found that out. It's odd but Im fine with that. On a vacation, I can't stop thinking of who you are. The nobody side of you. I just feel as if someone else is in you. People talked about you. Things about you are getting more more and more interesting to me. I kept on listening, and in the end something weird happened. Those stories created a feeling. A feeling that you can never describe. It's just so undescribable.

One night, you started talking to me. I was surprised. Conversations for hours. Midnight phone calls, Late night texts. It was fun talking to you. I feel as if I can tell you every single thing about me. I don't have to be somebody else when Im with you. You're just so different. You knew how to play with words, I like that. No, I mean I love that. We went out for the first time in life. I don't consider that as a date because it really wasn't. Eventhough it was only for fifteen wonderful minutes, I had fun starring into your beautiful eyes. You eyes really caught my attention.

I went to a sleepover that changes everything. I would call that A Night To Remember. It was dark and cold outside. Everyone was asleep like little babies except for us and you. You had planned something that night. I didn't know until we came down to meet you. We snuck out from the house. And yes, I saw you with a friend of yours. They left us there, alone. We sat under the beautiful stars, talking. I thought a normal talk wouldn't change anything until you suddenly asked me. I really didn't know what to say, but honestly deep down inside, I already knew what was my answer.

I was too shy to say yes. All I did was gave you a big smile. You were too slow and asked me again. I smiled, and you thought I said no. In the end, I had to held your face and scream YES. It is not easy to do that. Its really hard, but I had this thought on my mind saying that "Now or Never". You were smiling and so happy. I was so glad to see you happy. We walked around as an item. Before I went back, you gave me a warm beautiful kiss on my cheek. The first kiss I've ever received from you. That night, I slept with a smile on my face while listening to our song.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today is my dad's Birthday. Happy Birthday dad. You're the best dad ever. I love you. Thanks for giving me the happiness and those things I asked for. Thank you thank you. (:


It has been awhile since I last had these feelings. It's weird, very weird. As if I can't describe what feelings are this.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Again there.

I got so may things to update. But I'll do tomorrow (;

Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh yeaaah

Life is just getting better day by day without the sadness (: Soo, I've learnt lots of things now. Yayy

Friday, April 10, 2009

No more

Im now living my life to the fullest.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

A big ignorant.

YESSSSS, True. Nothing is wrong with thaat (: I ain't joking. I am seriously serious. Im gonna burn it burn it. Come comeee, hop on (:

I like to move it.

I am finally updated with new feelings and emotions. Yes! (: I likeeeee it. I shall say HOORAAY!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Don't ask why.

The weirdest thing happened the other morning. I woke up with tears in my eyes and one rolling down my cheek and I knew I must have been dreaming of you again.

By Anna Bruno.

So not.

You're not the closest thing to heaven anymore.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Help here

I feel so messed up. I wanna let it out so badly but one problem. I don't know what to let out. The only way to get rid of this feelings is just cry. But Im tired of it. Like seriously sick of tears. What can I do now? SIGHHH

Latest Addiction

Oh yes, Im currently into this song. Thanks Jay.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


I don't wanna cry anymore.
stop hurting my feelings.
Don't poke my heart.

Friday, April 03, 2009


Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?

Yes, why?
Tell me.

Into pieces.

Yes, Im torn.
Thanks to you.


WOW. I seriously feel used.

A little bit

April 2nd. The day was different. I don't know in what way I shall say but it was just different. I was all EXTRA mad, crazy, disappointed, happy, confused, hyper, sad, sensitive. Yes, I really was.

School was okay. Nothing interesting. Except that I was feeling bad since I was still traumatized with the incident that happened the day before. But overall, it was okay. During Interact, everything went well. Ziha and I have started with our second structure, the Montgomery Bus since we're done with the Explorer. Had a duty call after that.

Tuition was okay too. Add math with Anas. He taught better than that Deli guy. Like honestly. Oh yeah, during tuition, tiba-tiba there was this smell terbang terbang on air. OMG, I was sick of it. The smell really reminded me of thatguy. I thought I was the only one who smell it until Sha realized I was sniffing around. And she asked me about it too. Bla bla, tuition ended.

Went to Ampang Point. Afiq was there. At first, we planned to have dinner at Great Eastern Mall. Tapi plan changed, we went to Naili's. I ordered Tomyam Noodle. It was really nice tapi I didn't finish it since one of the songs there ruined my mood. And plus, I wasn't so hungry pun. I had fun talking to him and Odah and Ajim came after that to join us for dinner.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

You are the..

Broken-hearted might be me.
Confussion refers to me.
Obsess means you.
Desperation defines you.
Kindness is you.
Lovely reminds me of you.
Sweet talker is definitely you.
Two faces are so you.
Honesty is so you.
Evil can be you.
Secretive might be you.
Liar may be you.
So, which one are you?

My words.

Because of you, I lost a good friend. - Says her.
Thank you for that - She said again.
May God bless you - Her words.

A Warm Visit

April 1st. Ziha's birthday. The only highlight of the day, I thought, at least. But NO, I was wrong.
Songs of you, I listened.
Stories of you, I told.
Pictures of you, I imagined.
Voices of you, I recalled.
All was about you. I am seriously tired of that.
But I just couldn't stop from doing it.

And hell yeah, I managed do all these stuff without any tears.
Well maybe a little bit, but the tears weren't for you.
It was for my heart.

Until unexpected things came up.
Baam, right in front of my face.
I was shocked.
Only God knows how I felt at that time.
I was literally shivering when I first saw.

Words didn't came out from my mouth.
I can't think of anything.
I was barely breathing.
My heart was pounding.
You might think it was all because of love.
But you are so wrong.
I blame your so called 'good deeds'.
I mean your bad deeds.

I realized, I barely know you.
You used to be part of my life.
And you still are,
But it's different now.
You're now in my past.

For you.

I am not involved.
I am really not.
I respect who you are.
I respect who I am.

Happiness come and go.
Life is up and down.
Memories are from the past.
It'd never be changed.

Today is a new day.
Yesterday is forever.
But forever didn't seem so far away.
But it will always stay.

You can have my tomorrow,
But not my yesterday.


Every girl dreams of this day
Remember when you were little and used to play.
But now you say what's the use it's just another birthday

You always want to turn 16 beautifully and get to be free.
That's why you have friends here to let you know.
And one of them is me.

You always seem to think nobody loves you
But I'm here to tell you that was never true.
I'm here to help you in anyway I can
Even if it's over a man.

They always say turning 16 can be great
You can even have a big tall cake
And you get more presents for gods sake
Then you go to blow out the candles.
you think of what wish you should make.
Maybe celebrate your birthday like an overcrowded lake.

You're finally 16
The first to actually be a teen
You may not have a record that is clean
But you are sweet as in the name and sure not mean.
Of all the things you've been through and seen.