Saturday, January 21, 2012

On that moment
That one moment when
I'm reading what's in your eyes
And when your smile tells me a story
If and only if
If only you would see through me
I will never want the time to stop
To stop when I am without you
When you start blaming
Start blaming the fate
That's when I stop breathing

*Just random lines. I am out of idea...

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

My one and only sister has now started her journey of her very own very fairy tale
To see her crying the tears of happiness meant the world to me
She is now a wedded wife of Syed Elyas

Dearest kakak,
You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen in my whole life
You are the luckiest woman born for marrying such amazing man like Yayas
You are the sweetest daughter for bringing us family joy and blessings from Allah
You are the second woman I really look up to after Umi
I love you Kakak
It was hard at first for me to let you go
My heart somehow breaks a little every time I see your room is empty
I have lost a sister, the only sister I have
But at the same time, I gained another brother
And trust me, so many ups and downs we have gone through but I would never wish for someone better than you because you somehow defined 'sister' best
But I know Yayas would take care of you now
Be an obedient wife of him and I will always pray for your happiness with him
Insya Allah