Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sharifah Raudhah bt Syed Mohd Razif
My one and the only sister I have
I grew up with her
We used to share our bedroom
We shared so many secrets together
Yes, we do fight every single day
To be honest, I am really stubborn
That is why we fight most of the time
But I don't know
Lately, things kinda have changed
I let her win in most of the arguments we had
I do her laundry without even asking for anything in return
I tried not to complain and honestly, I'm not complaining now
Sometimes, I cook her food without asking for any payment like I always did before
Whenever she's upset on Twitter or even BBM, I would ask
When she needs a shopping mate, I'd be glad to follow her around
When shopping emergency happens, I'd be her personal stylist, even when I'm not really good when it comes to fashion
When someone was trying to ruin her date, I'd get all upset
When she runs out of shirt to college, my closet would be hers to choose what to wear
It's funny that I was never like this before
Sometimes when I'm alone, I would wonder myself
"Who am I?", "What change me?", "What is happening?"
But I never regret for having these changes in my life
These are all because she's nobody but my sister
I'm a liar if I say I never felt insecure when my sister is in the picture
She's always the prettiest one
She's the eldest girl in the family
People seems to like her the most
She's doing really well in her studies
She has perfect beautiful hair
She smiles amazingly breath-taking
Mum pays her the most attention
My boyfriend thinks she's pretty *I'm blessed for a beautiful sister like her :)
Kendall seems to love her the most
She gets all the good compliments even when she's just wearing her pyjamas
She's tall and just almost perfect
I would never want any other sister but just you, kakak.
I'm lying if I say I'm not crying now
So, I just wanna say that I am sorry if I ever hurt your feelings yesterday, today, tomorrow and also for the rest of your life.
I am sorry for forgetting about your dinner today
I never meant to not think of you tonight
I am sorry for being selfish for not buying you food because I really did forget

I don't know whether will you ever read this
But if you do one day,
just remember that I am blessed to have you
Without umi and walid, there'll be no us
And without you, there will be no me
Without us sisters, there'll be no Olah
Without us the whole family, there'll be no life

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